How to add membership features to WordPress

When running a Web Site, there are times when you want to use the membership function when you want to grow in size or create a special page. WordPress makes it easy to implement member functions (Login functions) using plug-ins. More customization and use requires a little PHP knowledge. Functions that can be implemented in […]

When running a Web Site, there are times when you want to use the membership function when you want to grow in size or create a special page. WordPress makes it easy to implement member functions (Login functions) using plug-ins.
More customization and use requires a little PHP knowledge.

Functions that can be implemented in the member function

This time, I will implement it using the plug-in “-WP-Members”. This plug-in allows you to implement the following features:

Access restrictions
Restrictions on all articles
Limit only specific articles
Limit only part of the article
Manage users
Login form
New user registration
Password change and reset
See registration information (Account management)

Plugins – WP-Members

Here's a quick plug-in introduction.
You can use the user management function used in WordPress as it is.
Users added in WP-Member are added as WordPress "subscribers".
Conversely, users added by administrators in WordPress can also log in.
Basically you can use it just by installing the plug-in.
If you access a page that is blocked by the feature with a user who is not logged in, you will be redirected to the login page.

Install from wordpress plugin page

Install the plug-in and go to the WP-Members settings screen.
There are tabs when you go to the settings screen. Introducing the main settings

WP-Members option

content Block
Posts (block all posts)
Pages (block all fixed pages)
Fixed page
Login page (you can specify which page to use for Login from a fixed page)
Registration page (a new registration form is added to the login page by setting up a fixed page for new registration)
User profile page (Password reset link etc. can be set on the login page by setting a fixed page of the user profile)
The above is processed automatically. You can also use it without specifying it.
Items displayed on the new registration screen or profile. You can set whether it is displayed as a checkbox or required. You can also create new items by adding fields.
You can change error messages, etc. First everyone in English.
You can change the text of automatically sent emails. This is also the first time everyone is in English.

Access restrictions: How to use WP-Members

For all articles

It is done from "Content Blocking" of the above image.
"posts" restricts access to all posts.
Pages restricts access to all fixed pages.

Only specific articles

When using the WP-Member plug-in, a menu like the one above has been added on the right side.
The image does not have access restrictions for all articles, so if you check the checkbox, only this post will be restricted.

Make only part of the article readn

It is a method of restricting access often seen on news sites and other sites.
To prepare to use this feature, add it to restrict access to the page and check Show Excerpts.
If you are using the WP-Master plugin, you will find a tag called "more" in the text tab of the post creation.
If the page is restricted and this "more" tag is filled in the post, the previous article will be displayed as an excerpt.
You will need to log in to view the more tags below.

User Management: How to Use WP-Members

Learn how to configure different pages.
You can add functionality to a page by installing shortcodes primarily on fixed pages.

Register Login as a widget

A widget called "WP-Members login" has been added to the widget settings in the WordPress management screen, so put it where you want to set it.

Register Login as a fixed page

Create a fixed page and

[wp-members page="login"]

If you write that, it is completed.

Account Management Page (My Page)

It is a page where registered users can manage registered information and passwords, etc.
Create a fixed page and

[wp-members page="members-area"]

If you write that, it is completed.

New registration page

This is the page to register a new user.
Create a fixed page and

[wp-members page="register"]

If you write that, it is completed.

I think I've been able to set up WP-Members so far.
Finally, you are logged out, but when you visit the login page after logging in, you will see a logout link.
If you want to install it elsewhere, you can copy the link and install it.


It is a addition.
The restrictions on access to articles are now complete, but this time we introduced the membership feature because we wanted to create a secret fixed page.
There was a plug-in called "if-menu" when I wanted to change the menu only for logged-in users.
Reference article⇒

Please search for and install the installation from the plugin in the WordPress management screen.


The location of the menu settings is in the appearance of wp20160124dthe Manage screen.

When the if-menu is up and running, the item "Enable Confidential Logic" is added to the menu settings.
Here you can control the display and hiding of this menu.

The conditions are in English, but I will excerpt the translation from the above reference URL.

What pull-down means

User is logged in
If the user is logged in
User is Admin
If the user is an administrator
User is Editor
If the user is an editor
User is Subscriber
If the user is a subscriber
User is Author
If the user is a contributor
User is Contributor
If the user is a contributor
Front Page
If you are on the top page
Single Post
If you're seeing a template for a post
If you're seeing a fixed-page template